Critical Reflection


Module Learning

The module on effective communication has been exciting and really significant for me. I used to think that communication was straightforward and simple but after discovering critical reflections and critical thinking, I was swiftly shown to be mistaken.


The Paul-Elder framework provided me with very insightful guidance on how to apply intellectual standards like clarity and accuracy as well as intellectual virtues like fairness. The summary reader's response assignment was one such instance. I was taught to gather data on the Mars Ingenuity helicopter. The next step is to use the elements of reasoning to communicate the main ideas while taking the audience's prior knowledge into account. I managed to impart these qualities into my writings with the help of Professor Blackstone.


My public speaking abilities were also improved by the 7C's of communication. I used to frequently stutter and always speak too quickly, which makes my conversations with people I interact with quite confusing. When given the chance to speak in class, I frequently repeat the same mistakes in my speech, which typically resulted in me fumbling through my ideas. In this way, the 7C's have helped me make sure that my speech is clearer and more concise. This motivated me to provide a decent oral presentation along with my teammates

Looking forward, I hope to have more opportunities for public speaking to further develop my critical thinking skills, so that I can be a better communicator in the future. 


Project Learning


My greatest takeaway from the research assignment was the opportunity to hone my public speaking abilities. In this lesson, there were many opportunities to talk, and when I did, I frequently spoke too quickly out of nervousness. I also tended to forget points I have already covered which led me to regurgitate points I have already elaborated on. This put me in a sticky situation where I've already sunk too deep in.

Fortunately, I had supportive and helpful classmates throughout this class. During our group practice for our presentation, my teammates gave me advice and pointed out my mistakes. Through the peer reviews, which I read and appreciated for their helpful feedback, my classmates were able to assist me. I was able to give a decent oral presentation with less stuttering and filler thanks to everyone's efforts. I'm glad I had the chance to work on my public speaking and presentation skills in this module.

Additionally, I was able to learn more about softer skills, which are just as crucial for giving a clean presentation. Body movement and posture are one such instance. I should be standing upright during a presentation, while maintaining eye contact with people in the room. Moving a little more on stage improves my stage presence, so I shouldn't be static in my movements either. Not referring to a script is another communication technique I have improved on . I am able to think on the spot and present with greater assurance than if I were to go to a script since I understand my material rather than memorization.

I want to thank Professor Blackstone for his extraordinary knowledge and guidance before I wrap with this critical reflection. I also want to express my gratitude to my team and peers for providing me with constructive criticism that helped me grow both as a person and as a communicator. My goal is to use the skills I have learned in this module in both my personal life and my future work. It has been a wonderful experience.
